
What is a cookie and what is its purpose?

A cookie is a small file that is transferred to the user's computer when visiting a website.

The purpose of cookies is to collect and store certain information that helps us ensure the optimal functioning of the website and provide a better user experience.

Cookies remember your settings, which means that the website is tailored to your preferences during your next visit. This makes it easier for you to browse, and it helps us track user habits and prepare content that is more relevant and tailored to your needs.

No cookie used on the website collects your personal data.

Company Cookie name Cookie Purpose Exprires cookieConsent User settings of cookies. 1 year heydude Unique identifier of the user's session. Until the page is closed
Google Analytics _ga Page view statistics 6 months

The website is equipped with a notification that alerts the user upon arrival to the website that it uses cookies for improved functionality. By browsing the website, the user agrees to the use of cookies.

The user always has the option to modify their cookies. This can be done in the browser settings, although the process may vary from browser to browser.